It is a very interesting concept that I finally decided to get in on. It doesn't reduce the performance of my computer at all! It only uses whatever processor power is NOT being used. And it only communicates with their systems when looking for work to do, and when the calculations are finished (which usually takes several days).
Here's how to install it:
Download the attached ZIP file and extract its contents. Run the file called "Install Console Client". When successfully completed, restart your computer. After the restart, press CTRL+ALT+DEL and look under the "Processes" for the item "FAH504-Console". If you see it, you were successful. Does NOT work on Windows Vista!! Ask for alternate instructions if you wish to join.

Attachment has been updated with changes to the installer code.
You won't show up under my Team until your computer submits its first WU (work unit).
Share with friends and family. I don't recommend it on laptops, as it can cause them to overheat (older laptops or heat-efficient laptops excluded).
This version in the ZIP file is non-graphical and completely silent. If you want to check on your progress, navigate to "C:\Program Files\Folding At Home" and double-click the file called "MyFolding". There is a graphical version available at the Folding At Home website (google it), but it interferes with some games because it uses OpenGL for graphics. Just use my teamnumber 84992 please if you go that route.

- Uses ONLY unused processor power.
- ONLY communicates with their server at the beginning and completion of the analysis, which takes several days.
- You do NOT have to use your computer more often, or leave it online on purpose.
- You do NOT have to be connected to the internet during the analysis process. If you disconnect when it needs to transmit data, it will automatically wait for a connection without disturbing you.
- You are NOT connected to ANYONE ELSE. You ONLY connect to Stanford University's servers.
My Team stats: http://vspx27.stanfo...p;teamnum=84992
Please join my project and support Folding At Home.

Attached Files
Edited by computerwiz12890, 18 October 2007 - 10:56 AM.