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harddrive not booting

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ok i bought a 400gb hdd, it is a external hdd (i found out that its a SAMSUNG brand), i ususally leave it on for long periods of time but occasionally i turn it off so I dont' strain its life span.

i think i may have bought it last year but i'm forgetful, not sure if it is or not

the point is, i turned it off lastnight and it won't turn on today, i think it died, its not booting up, i took the hdd out and put it into another external hdd case, light for case turns on but same result, the hdd itself refuses to bootup.

is there a way to revive the hdd? i hear alot of stuff i googled on the net about freezing the hdd to temporarily revive it

is there anything i can do to get it to boot up?
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I've read a lot about freezing, some people say it is very good way to back your hdd to a life for some time, but it also may kill your hd at all.
You can try GetDataBack. It is written that this app can recover data even if the hdd isn'r recognized by Windows.
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you dont understand dude, it won't ACTUALLY turn on, (i.e bootup)........or rev up if you will

if its off how can a program fix it?

its not simply not recognizing it or something stopping the computer to know its there it shut won't turn on period and i want the data back :)
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If XP does not recognise the drive and bios does not recognise the drive, then the drive is most likely shot.

I know you tried it in another enclosure, BUT can you try it in your computer as a slave and see if it is recognised?

If you can get it to recognice the drive, then you can run the diagnostics found HERE
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If XP does not recognise the drive and bios does not recognise the drive, then the drive is most likely shot.

I know you tried it in another enclosure, BUT can you try it in your computer as a slave and see if it is recognised?

If you can get it to recognice the drive, then you can run the diagnostics found HERE

thankyou for replying, however once again i have already stated, it is nothing to do with 'NOT RECOGNISING', its got to do with the drive "NOT BOOTING"

i.e dead

if i put it into another external hdd case power light turns on but it won't bootup......won't turn on ........do you understand?
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I understand. You are not seeing it under "my computer" or explorer. I will ask you again and if you are not willing to try what is suggested, then we can't help you.

Look in computer management and see if it is recognised.
To get there..... select start/ right click "my computer" and select manage.

I am trying to go under the theory that it is NOT completely dead so that we can furthur assist you.
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Edited by astro2, 26 September 2007 - 01:59 AM.

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I understand. You are not seeing it under "my computer" or explorer. I will ask you again and if you are not willing to try what is suggested, then we can't help you.

Look in computer management and see if it is recognised.
To get there..... select start/ right click "my computer" and select manage.

I am trying to go under the theory that it is NOT completely dead so that we can furthur assist you.

i'm not doing it because i've ALREADY done it, i may not be super smart, however i AM smart enough to try it way before you asked me to, i tried moving to another external hdd casing, then directly plugging to the motherboard via IDE cable then tried your method last

as i just said i may not be super smart but it is obvious it is a hardware failure, it not being able to recognise it, "IS NOT" the problem, how can it recognise it if its not even running its just common-sense, even for a moron like me.

I sent it away to be checked and it was said to be " electrical failures located throughout the printed circuit board'.

therefore it proves my OBVIOUS theory i was right......NOT RUNNING, power is not being absorbed which is why its not booting or spinning thats why i never tried your advice not to mention i tried it way before i asked help on this site.

so obvious its not a recognising thing, i stated repeatedly its not a recognition thing the drive just won't run....no sounds no rattling.....not booting...if its not running how do i try your options?????

thats why i replied stating this repeatedly, i have no idea why you refused to listen to me, without trying your method or sending it away i can tell you its too obvious EVEN for a non computer savvy person...that the hdd is not running, not running means not working therefore it breaks the point that trying to use software to recognise the drive is VERY irrelevant and pointless.....so much so, that even if it was software that fixes hdd 'clusters' it would still not work ......HDD WILL NOT TURN ON/SPIN !!

thank you for your help, however if you can't give me a way to make the thing run long enough to save the data, then i'll have to bite the bullet and pay the price for data retrieval.
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Whilst we can appreciate your frustration, there wasn't anything wrong with the suggestion made by 123Runner given the information available to him

Post 8 is unfortunate because you have impolitely taken exception to the suggestion when only you were already aware it was a hardware failure
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