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codecs Help

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Ok so i recorded audio using sonar 6 producer edition, i can only save it as a .wav file so therefor i have to convert it to mp3 after. The file for the song is huge and i want to compress it so i use "switch" like usual, except for the first time ever i get an error saying:
"Cannot open file c:/documents and settings.....wav, because the required ACM codec is not installed on this pc. Open the file with Windows Media Player to auto-install the codec then reattempt to load it". I've opened and played the song on wmp but it doesn't download anything automatically and i have the settings changed to automatic download codecs. I've manually replaced all my codecs and still it doesn't work, what do i do? I run windows xp.
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    BSOD Warrior/Computer Surgeon

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Here is a list of the available Codecs for Windows Media player. Located on MS Knowlage Base
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