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My benchmark tests for converting to DVD

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Here is my dvd making Benchmark rating system. I rated one stuborn wmv movie
into a dvd format vob,- here are the result for the visual quality conversion
with the following converters/editors , rated out of 5 stars-
Aimone -5 http://www.aimonesoft.com/ video converter v2.02
AliveVideo 0 http://www.alivemedia.net/ video converter v3.1.2.8
Anyvideo 3 any-video-converter.com/ video converter v1.3.3
BlazeMedia 0 http://www.blazemp.com/ video converter v7
DVDFlick -1 http://www.dvdflick.net/ video converter v1.2.2.0
DVDSanta 2 http://www.dvdsanta.com video converter v4
Enhance -5 movavi.com/enhancemovie/ video editor v2.2
MpegWizard -5 http://www.womble.com/ video editor v2006
Mpeg4Direct -1 http://www.artech365.com/ video converter v5.5.2
WinAvi 0 http://www.winavi.com/ video converter v7.7

Just remember a 0 star rating is better than a -5
Superdvd maker was that bad, I would not rate it !
Some converters have problems differentiating between a dvd vob ,and a dvd mpeg2,
they may use the same codec ,but a dvd vob is alot different than a dvd mped2,
for those newbies that do not know about this.


Edited by auto7890, 23 September 2007 - 06:18 PM.

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