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Videostudio 11 Security Problems

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I having problems with VS 11 everytime I boot windows XP I get a error message saying The Security Information is invalid or has been modified, program will terminated" I have been looking around at other sites regarding this problem. Videostudio Pro 11 will not open at all!

It was recommended to uninstall the program and then reinstall which I tried but still get the error message. Apparently the software has a known bug which clashes with XP service Pack 2.

I tried other methods such as misconfig the videostudio security file with VS 11 as others suggested elsewhere and deleting the registry entry but the problem still remains.

Has Anyone have any other workarounds I could try? It also happened to Videostudio 7
I was using that's why I upgraded to 11 to help get rid this known bugbut to no avail.

Getting frustrated over the matter. please Help? I have tried VS FAQ but no help. :)

Edited by mr_sledgeka, 29 September 2007 - 07:54 PM.

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    BSOD Warrior/Computer Surgeon

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Hello mr_sledgeka,

Could you please post the exact error message you are getting including any details.

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Hello mr_sledgeka,

Could you please post the exact error message you are getting including any details.


I posted the error message with my original post above "The Security Information is invalid or has been modified, program will terminated" every time I reboot windows. It just will; not open I've been told by other users at other sites that it could be a WMP or XP 2 problem? have tried other workarounds such as uninstalling and then reinstalling, windows installer 3.1, deleting VS security files also from the registry. Still the same error.

I have already posted this problem at the VS Help forum and they were not much help admin. :)
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