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Multi-boot problem under Vista

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Right, here's the story....
I had two versions of XP on two seperate hard drives (C: & D:) that were set up in a dual boot format, one for general use and one for my specific audio programs (Pro Tools, etc).

I decided to install Vista on my general use drive (default C:) and did a completely new installation of it (deleting and creating a primary Partition and formatted the drive).
The installation has worked fine and Vista is running smoothly except I'm not getting an option of which drive I want to boot into when I start the computer up.
I know Vista has done away with the boot.ini so I cant just add the other drive to the boot menu.

The D: drive is beeing seen by Vista and I can access all of the files and folders on there, but Vista is not seeing XP on the D: drive as a bootable drive.
I have looked at the "How to set-up a dual boot in vista" notice in this forum but I’ve covered everything in there except the BCDedit because I would require a bit of guidance through the BCDedit program as I’ve never used it.

Anyone got any ideas how to sort this??

Sorry if this is a pretty easy task but this is only my second day using Vista. :)

Thanks :wave:

Edited by SkyLogic, 01 October 2007 - 04:18 AM.

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