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LAN over WAN?

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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 43 posts
Heya guys, Well this is pretty much just as the title says.

My Question is it possible to setup a Local area Network Over a Friend and mines Wide Area Network?

The reason I ask this is my mate got banned for third party software *Hacks* from the games servers we were playing, And would now have to purchase a new CD Key so we could play together again. We were hoping we could play via a Direct I.P connection however the game does not give you the option to do that. The only options available are connect to their servers and Connect via LAN. So here you can see where my question stems from.

So we were hoping that we could set up a LAN over WAN then connect to each other from a emulated "Local Area Network"

Any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot.

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    GeekU Admin

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If I read this correctly, you are a looking for a way to bypass your friend's ban from game servers for using hacks to his software. This is a no-no on 2 levels for us.

1) We will not help anyone bypass a ban from any forum or site, especially for behavior that deserves a ban.

2) We do not support any type of cracked or illegal software.

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