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Fan speedup when watching DVDs

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Apologies of this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure how to categorise the problem.

I have a Packard Bell PC (win xp sp2, 2gb RAM) which has served me well in all regards for about a year now. The only problem I have is in playing DVDs - whenever I insert one into the drive, the computer's internal fan cranks up to top rpm and stays that way as long as the DVD is playing (regardless of which media player is used - I've tried many). It's like trying to watch a film with a hairdryer running right next to you. It's just not conducive to the movie magic.

I should mention that the computer's regular fan noise is very unobtrusive at all other times, and that this is the first PC I've owned which requires a constant high fan rpm for DVD playback. Is there any way I can get the fan to calm down so I can hear the movies I'm playing? Will replacing the DVD drive help? Currently my only way of watching my DVDs is to rip them to avi files, which I can then run without problem in near-silence.
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How fast is your processor speed?

Since you never listed your processor speed down, I suspect it's the main culprit behind this. 2GB RAM is sufficient to watch DVD movies efficiently, but depending on your processor, things can slow down A LOT, causing your computer to work harder.

There is something you need to take note of also. DVDs running on computers DO take up a lot of memory, and I do experience this sometimes too when I watch DVDs on my laptop (1.73ghz, 2GB RAM). Solved it by swapping the processor.

Also, old fans may produce more noises than usual. Be sure to check whether your CPU fan is still working properly. If it isn't, then change one. =)

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