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is LIMEWIRE safe from Malware?

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I've been trying to determine why my son keeps picking up Malware while using his laptop. Is Limewire safe?
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Any illegal file downloading program is a great way to get malware and a lawsuit from the RIAA.

Please see our Malware Removal Forum to help you remove it and your malware.

Edited by stettybet0, 30 November 2007 - 09:23 PM.

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Matt T

Matt T


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Limewire the program is safe, and legal, however many of the files transmitted with it are infected and illegal to download. It could quite possibly be the reason why your son keeps getting malware and I recommend you remove it.

For more info on the dangers of P2P software [Click Here] :)

Edit: If you post in the Malware forum and no one replies within 3+ days post [Here] after reading the stickies and someone will get to your topic asap. Only use reformat as a last resort :)

Edited by Matt T, 30 November 2007 - 09:29 PM.

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I agree --- Limewire itself is secure, no Malware inside the program. The issue is what is being downloaded through Limewire. While Limewire has practical uses such as downloading legal files such as shareware, etc. it can also be used to download illegal files such as movies, videos, etc. Your best defense is to really uninstall the program, especially if you believe it's causing issues.

Please note that we here at Geeks to Go! will not assist any user in making this program work --- we will only assist in its removal.

If you suspect that your computer has become infected with some type of Malware, I suggest you go to the Malware Forum and run all the steps located in the START HERE. These self-help tools will help you clean up 70% of problems on your own. If you are still having problems after doing the steps, then please post a HiJackThis Log in THAT forum. If you are unable to run and/or post a HJT log, then post that in your initial post in the topic you create in that forum.

If you are still having problems after being given a clean bill of health from the malware expert, then please return to THIS thread and we will pursue other options to help you solve your current problem(s).

Edited by Facedown98, 30 November 2007 - 09:41 PM.

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Thanks for everyones input!!
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Yep as everyone has already said limewires safe program as it self but the files you can download can be malware viruses ect or illegal

Best idea is to remove it but if you dont want to make sure you dont download any of the files that are:

* trying to advertise stuff

*Say Something like FREE LIMEWIRE UPDATE (or anything to do with update)

* Files that come up everytime even if you use different search criteria

Hope this helps

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