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Startup Applications List

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Major Payne

Major Payne

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Hope you find this list very useful: Startup Applications List.

Useful free tool to use: Autoruns

What's loading at startup? Find out with this utility, which improves on MSCONFIG.

To find out what programs are loading on your PC at startup, you can run the Windows-resident system configuration utility called MSCONFIG. But there's another free utility called Autoruns that does the job better. MSCONFIG entries tend to be rather cryptic, for example, but Autoruns includes a line of description for each entry in plain English. Autoruns also lets you Hide Signed Microsoft Entries, which allows you to quickly narrow your focus to third-party programs. Disabling or deleting entries requires just one click (so you'll need to be careful!). This function really saved my sanity when my system was breached by a scrap of regenerative malware.

Autoruns is one of the Sysinternals utilities developed by Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell. Somebody at Microsoft must have admired their work, because Microsoft bought the company last year and now touts these utilities from its own web site.

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    Global Moderator

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more information on this tool is available directly from Microsoft


I recommend going there if you have any questions and to also obtain the latest version of the tool.
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    Notepad warrior

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I'm having troubles with my start up list.. Is this a good SAFE tool to use? Will I mess up my computer badly if I mess something up??
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    Tech Staff

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Hi piano9playa5,

This is a good tool, but needs to be treated with caution. This quote from the 1st post:

Disabling or deleting entries requires just one click (so you'll need to be careful!)

If you're unsure about what to do, but wish to work through your startup applications, why not start a new thread in the Windows XP section of this forum, and ask for step by step instructions on what to do. You'll need to post your results as you go.

I'm sure that either of the Staff members above would be happy to help you in your thread, if you send them a polite PM with the link to your thread.


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    Notepad warrior

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Thanks troy,
I'm currently reviewing what applications run on start. By the looks of things a have quite a few that I just end up closing after they load... Definitely a program I will try :)
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