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Having Trouble with my router

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Well I had my router on today, just like any other and was out of the house....When I came home I found that there had been a power outage for about half an hour early in the day. So I went to go onto my laptop but the wireless wasn't working...odd...So after screwing with it I tried another laptop (friends) and that didn't work either...So finally tried my desktop and still nothing..

So I bypassed my wireless router and connected the desktop to the modem, orginally nothing worked but then my modem started working again and I got on the internet but the router doesn't work after resetting both the modem and router multiple times...I even let the modem sit unplugged for a few hours still nothing...

Figured I try hear before going through the ordeal of talking to customer service in case its something stupid..Anyway everything on the router looks normal. Power light, wired port light, internet light, and WLAN light are all lite up as normal...The computer responds to plugging in the ethernet cable, and the modem has all its lights on...

I have Comcast Cable as an ISP, a Motorolla Surfboard SB4100 for a Cable modem and my Wirless Router is a Linksys WRT54G
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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First thing i do when i have problems connecting to the internet is to reset everything. This means powering down the computers, router and cable modem. Then repowering( after a 3 minute wait) with the cable modem first, then the router, and then the computers. If you are still having problems i would check the router setting. On my netgear router i can check the settings by using the computer to access the router thru a html website. Since i get a lot of lightning strikes here, i also have gone thru 4 routers, 7 modems, and a dozen or so computers. I now have everything buffered with UPS's but i still expect that some day the lightning will get thru and damage something.

So, now if you cannot access the router it may be that a power surge has fried it. That happened to 3 routers on me. One router still worked but it would just stop working at various times thru the day. A magnifing glass inspection showed various trace lines on the PCB board were off colored from the rest so i thought this was the problem. Anymore i don't even look much past checking the settings before replacing the router. They are only worth a hour of my time before buying a new one is cheaper. i know wireless routers are not cheap, but without expensive and specializied equipment you cannot fix them, so its cheaper to replace.

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First thing i do when i have problems connecting to the internet is to reset everything. This means powering down the computers, router and cable modem. Then repowering( after a 3 minute wait) with the cable modem first, then the router, and then the computers. If you are still having problems i would check the router setting. On my netgear router i can check the settings by using the computer to access the router thru a html website. Since i get a lot of lightning strikes here, i also have gone thru 4 routers, 7 modems, and a dozen or so computers. I now have everything buffered with UPS's but i still expect that some day the lightning will get thru and damage something.

So, now if you cannot access the router it may be that a power surge has fried it. That happened to 3 routers on me. One router still worked but it would just stop working at various times thru the day. A magnifing glass inspection showed various trace lines on the PCB board were off colored from the rest so i thought this was the problem. Anymore i don't even look much past checking the settings before replacing the router. They are only worth a hour of my time before buying a new one is cheaper. i know wireless routers are not cheap, but without expensive and specializied equipment you cannot fix them, so its cheaper to replace.


Well I reset everything....still nothing so I went out and bought a new Linksys router, same model and now thats doing the same thing...Telling my PC and Laptops I'm connected when I'm not getting internet...I know its not my PC or my Modem because I'm on both right now....

This is getting to me :)

EDIT: The router is now working....I don't know its strange. I set up the router and ignored the whole insert CD before beginning thing because I knew it was just a simplified version of going to into the router and doing it manually. But I finally decided to use the CD and put in info I already put into the router manually and it worked...odd...

I didn't do anything different on the CD....kinda stupid but whatever thanks for trying

Edited by Caffiene_Powered, 11 December 2007 - 05:08 PM.

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