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Trying Media Sharing on 360 but PC won't recognize the 360

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I can connect to Xbox live just fine and play online just fine. However when I try to set up the media sharing for some reason my Test Connection fails every time at "PC Selected"

Also when I open Widows Media Player 11, then go to Library> Media Sharing >Sharing Settings, there is a check box but there only reads "share my media". The only thing my media sharing says is
"Learn About Sharing online"


"Sharing Settings" with a check box next to "Share My Media", Not "Share my media to"
There isn't even an option to "Find Media others are sharing"

There are only two buttons at the bottom, "OK" and "Cancel", No "Apply".

Can someone tell me what's wrong and how can fix this? I don't know what to do as I've read all of the same instructions on the net and they all say the same things. Maybe there is something wrong with my windows media player because the dialog box does nothing when I check it and the click ok.

well, it freezes for a few seconds but then nothing happens

Edited by Bizzyb24, 27 December 2007 - 10:22 PM.

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