Note: Acronym Finder has 0 definitions for EXCAL
Dang them!!!
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Note: Acronym Finder has 0 definitions for EXCAL
How boring:
SARI Santa Ana River Interceptor
Note: Acronym Finder has 0 definitions for EXCAL
Dang them!!! that should help out
Sari: Yours could be Special Advisor for Retarded Individuals (made this one up). Not politically correct.How boring:
SARI Salt River Bay National Historic Park and Ecological Preserve (US National Park Service)
SARI Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (Ghana)
SARI Santa Ana River Interceptor
Edited by Major Payne, 11 January 2008 - 11:14 AM.
Special Advisor for Ridiculous Individuals?
I'd settle for 10 times as much!
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