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Free Trojan Removal Tool for OS X Available Now

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Major Payne

Major Payne

    Retired Staff

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SecureMac has introduced a free Trojan Detection Tool for Mac OS X.

The DNSChanger Removal Tool detects and removes spyware targeting Mac OS X. Called DNSChanger Trojan and also known as OSX.RSPlug.A Trojan Horse the software attacks users attempting to play a fake video file.

Upon attempting to play the video, the victim receives the following message:

"Quicktime Player is unable to play movie file.

Please click here to download new version of codec."

Upon running the installer, the user's DNS records are modified, redirecting incoming internet traffic through the attacker's servers, where it can be hijacked and injected with malicious websites and pornographic advertisements. The trojan also installs a watchdog process that ensures the victim's DNS records stay modified on a minute-by-minute basis.


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