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Alert: GTG Trivia Quiz changes

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Just thought I'd post here regarding changes to the GTG Trivia Quiz. The categories have been altered for coming quizzes.

If you haven't played before ... please join in. If you've played and found you didn't do very well ... please check it out and perhaps give it another go because your forte might be one or two of the new categories.

Our Category Schedule:
Sunday: History 1 : Easier
Monday: Science & Technology 1 : Easier
Tuesday: People 1 : Easier
Wednesday: World Trivia 1 : Easier
Thursday: Music 1 : Easier
Friday: Celebrities : Easier
Saturday: Animals

Edit: And for those who didn't realise we have a GTG Trivia Quiz .... it's above in the pinned topics :)

Edited by frantique, 14 January 2008 - 12:58 AM.

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