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Adding Music to PS3

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I know that it is possible to add music to the hard drive on the PS3 by using the internet function, which isn't an option for me, or by ripping the CD to the hard drive. I have heard that you can add music to the PS3 by putting it on a memory stick or USB flash drive. Is that true? And if so, what format does the music need to be in? Does it need to be in a subfolder or anything or just the root directory?
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Nevermind, I found the solution. To add music to a PS3 using a USB drive, simply create a folder in the root directory of the USB drive and name it "MUSIC"

Put the music you want inside of that folder. The music must be WAV, WMA, AAC or MP3 format. If it is in the WMA format, make sure that "Enable WMA Playback" is enabled on the PS3.
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    GeekU Admin

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For future reference, we have a Games forum. That might be a better choice for a question like this, which was anything but random.
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Sorry, my fault for not looking for the appropriate section. Won't happen again.
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