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CCTV - Good or bad?

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I have to write about what people think about CCTV cameras, so if you have an opinion say it

I think that it can be a good thing but if we don't be careful we could go to far with it. CCTV can help alot and has help stop crimes but if we keep adding cameras to the streets we will keep having less and less praivercy .

Edited by Pudzz, 01 February 2008 - 03:05 PM.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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you're in college?....do they teach spelling or typing there? if so you might want to take a class or two. don't mean to be rude but that was very difficult to read

as long as the cameras are in public places and not on private properties with the inherant ability to view into a private location (such as an office window or into your bathroom window) then there are no problems in my book...if you're in a public location then you have no reasonable expectation of privacy and shouldn't be surprised that someone is watching what you're doing (i.e. if you don't want someone to see you do something...don't do it on the corner)...however this takes planning on the installer's part. they must place their equipment in such a way that the cameras can never view into any private areas.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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If I am in a public place, and I can see it with only my eyes (and glasses), Than you have no expectation of privacy.
Therefore, if I can see it I can record it.
IT is not spying if it is in public view.
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