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Is this at all possible?

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  • PipPipPip
  • 103 posts
any ideas how to do this? I want to make a series of .jpeg images into a single .pdf file.

Any ideas? Software (freeware)?
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  • PipPipPip
  • 266 posts
How do you mean exactly? Like panels? In that case you can use Photoshop (or the gimp i think it's called? Free program which is similar to photoshop). You can just open a new page, arrange your jpegs as you like then save it as pdf. Ideally though, you'd want to save it as eps and then export it to acrobat distiller which converts the image to proper pdf.

Same can be done using freehand and acrobat distiller. Just open a page in freehand (or adobe illustrator) and arrange the jpegs, save as editable eps, then open acrobat distiller and load the eps file and convert them to pdf.
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  • PipPipPip
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Just a quick update: alternatively you could save your jpegs as pdf's in photoshop, then use Acrobat Distiller and select 'create PDF from multiple files' and just import your newly saved PDF files. Then just arrange them as you need. Sometimes Acrobat allows you to create PDF's directly from jpegs (in which case you follow the same procedure, but you don't have to save them as PDF's in Photoshop first).
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  • PipPipPip
  • 266 posts
Another update: i was mistaken above...Acrobat (at least the more recent versions) always has the option of creating a pdf from jpegs, not just sometimes. Procedure stays the same. But you do it in Acrobat, not Distiller. My bad.
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You can also use MS word and insert the pictures into the document and then "print" to Cute PDF Writer.
It is a free program that gets installed as a printer subsystem.

I use it a fair amount of time. It comes in handy for documents that I create that I do not want changed since I do not want to make the original a read only.
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