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Overclocking a DS

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  • PipPip
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So, I've had my fun and thrills from my humble little Nintendo DS. I come across the idea of overclocking the DS , sounds fun.

I've found 2 different ways of overclocking it

1.Use a really bad japanese translated site http://ndshotmod.com/nds2na.htm
2.Or buy an overclocking chip and change clockspeeds up and down, in the middle of the game! http://www.modd3d.co...intendo-ds-lite

The 2nd option looks more complicated, but cooler. I have had alittle experience soldering before, i wasnt great (i burned the circuit board a few times :) ) but the item worked well. I don't have a soldering iron or any components needed.

What do you suggest I do?

(I don't mind too much if the DS is broken)
(It's an original not a lite DS)
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