So, why is the fine art of complaining so prevalent?
Well, the story is that it is easier to complain than to accept responsibility for what may be wrong in your life. If you accept responsibility for some of your woes, you may have to take action that changes events in your life. Now, why would you want to do that?
The truth is this. You can change from negative to positive only if you choose to. No one forces you to be negative, and no one forces you to be positive. The choice is yours', and yours' alone. If you really want to change your life for the better, you need to accept the basic principle that it is up to you. You can control your thoughts, you can control your emotions, and you can control what and where you go in life.
Nay sayers and negative people are everywhere. And, you'll also find a host of so-called friends that will tell you that you can't do or have more than they do because this would burst their bubble of complaining. These so-called friends want you to fail so that they can validate their existence - an existence full of misdirection, negative thinking, and expecting everything for nothing.
To begin the process to positive change, make a commitment to yourself that you will be more, have more, and do more. Once you take responsibility for your own actions, your behaviors, your thoughts, you are beginning to take a positive step forward. Once you start, ban all negative thinkers from influencing you. Turn a deaf ear to those who would ridicule you for beginning a course that creates positives not negatives. Better yet, associate yourself with positive, encouraging, and helpful people. They do exist.