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Get video off cell phon

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  • PipPipPip
  • 125 posts
My friend has a video on his cell phone that I want on my computer. How can I get this video? He has internet, so how would he send it to me? Also has bluetooth. I want on my computer, NOT my phone.
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 718 posts
Buy a bluetooth usb dongle for your pc which can transmit wireless data from cell phones to pc. Something like this below:

Posted Image

Posted Image

They sell many at daydeal, check them out at the bottom of this page:


Most bluetooth usb dongles come with software to do such transfers. If not just find one to download using your friend "GOOGLE".

Another way of transfering the video would be if his cell phone provider and phone provides him with the option to email video to your email address. You would than download the video file from your email address and use it or convert it into another video format.

If his phone has micro sd slots or any sd card slot he can probably copy it to his sd card in his phone, which you can than place in your pcs sd card bay and copy to your computer.


Hope all goes well!
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