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Cannot burn cd's in Itunes

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This morning before I left the house I burnt a couple of audio books onto CD to back in. Then when I returned and went to continue I could not burn anything in itunes. I kept getting error number 4251. I changed the burn speed down to 4x times and tried again but no luck. Then I tried to burn in Window Media and I cannot burn cd's from that program either now. It tells me I need to clean the cd or try a different brand. I am using memorex cd-r??? Any suggestions?

thank you in advance for taking the time
Tina :)
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  • PipPipPip
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Well, I bought a pack of 100 memorex DVDs a few months ago and still have 90 or so left because 95% of the things I burned on them were corrupted. I will definitely never use memorex products, thats for sure.

Are you burning on a pack of new cds you just bought? You may have to update the firmware for your burner.
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  • PipPipPip
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Don't use I Tunes to burn your cds! Use something like Nero for goodness sake. Always burn audio discs a 8x as this is the optimal speed for burning audio that will last the longest. The maximum speed you should ever use if your in a hurry is 16x. Anything past that is asking for trouble or corrupt data. To make sure your cds/dvds are burnt properly load them in your pc disc tray after burning and go to START>ALL PROGRAMS>NERO>NERO TOOLKIT>NERO CD-DVD SPEED. A window will open up now select the drive containing your disc in the drop down menu. Than in the tools bar click "EXTRA>SCANDISC". A new window will pop up, and there will be two boxes to checkmark. Make sure that "SURFACE SCAN" is the only thing check marked. Than run the scan and wait...


It will show a graphical chart if it finds any errors on the disc. This is by all means "read only" scanning not a data matching scan. It will basically tell you if your cd burnt well and show you if it didn't. You can use this on dvd burns too... This is used to be 100% sure that your burn was clean.
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