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Vista SP 1

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Sorry if I sound like a complete newbie, however, has SP 1 for Vista been released? If so, is it contained with the latest OEM distro's available on NCIX? If not, can I easily upgrade to SP 1 from the Microsoft site from an OEM version?

Also, does it support ATI X1950 Pro? I ran the compatibility tool and it says it would have issues with the ATI Catalyst Control Center.


Edited by unstablefears, 01 April 2008 - 06:55 PM.

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Vista sp1 has been released, but is an optional download from windows update. If you do not see it listed, then you may have other updates required before sp1 can be installed. There are 3 updates that I know of, specifically.

At this very moment, I don't now of any shipping with sp1 already installed. However that could change. You would best informed by contacting ncix directly with your question.

your video drivers might need to be upgraded. you can go to http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html to obtain the latest drivers.
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Thanks for the information! Just one more question, in regards to RAM. I have heard around that Vista has issues with 4 Gigs of RAM. Is this something I should worry about? Or is it just an 'install and see what happens' kind of thing?
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As far as I know Vista 32 bit recognizes your 4GB ram but only uses about 3GB of it while a 64-bit Vista both recognizes it and is able to work with it, however don't let me be your one and only source on that. (pretty sure about the 32bit part tho)
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ALL 32bit operating systems will only recognize 3 gigabytes of ram. This is a limitation of it being 32bit.
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Hmm, so my 4 Gigs of RAM are pointless? lol. :).
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I felt the same way after upgrading from 2gb to 4gb recently. This was prior to SP1. At least SP1 exists now to lie to me about how much RAM is being used. Vista just shows what is physically installed following SP1. It doesn't cap itself at 3gb like implied. It will be something ranging from 2.8gb to 3.6gb in ACTUAL use. (based on your video card's usage and other addressing overhead.)

I don't believe the upgrade is pointless. I have a considerable improvement in performance as a result of my upgrade. Sure, the OS may be actually using 3.2gb, but it's better than 2 right?

From what I understand, if you don't see SP1 as an optional update in Windows Update, it means you have drivers on your computer which prevent it from being installed. If you have automatic updates installed or keep up with manually updating, you should already have the pre-SP1 packages installed in order to prep Vista for SP1. Obviously ensure you have all critical or important updates installed and then verify things such as your graphics drivers, sound card drivers, etc. are up to date. nVidia graphic cards are 30% of the driver issues which prevent SP1 showing up in Windows Update. So if you're running an nVidia, certainly check the driver.

I run an nVidia and personally didn't have an issue.

Hope this helps.....I literally was in your shoes about three weeks ago. More so because I just upgraded my RAM and wanted to see 4GB there. As I mentioned before, at least SP1 lies to me now so that I can feel good.
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Say I have 4-8gigs and windows 64bit. I heard alot of games and programs are incompatible with 64bit. Is that true?
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Thanks gutterman, it's good to know i'm not the only one questioning it :).


I think windows 64bit requests 64bit versions of each program. I am not 100% sure though, perhaps it's only 64bit drivers you need?

Someone else may be able to clarify.
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Say I have 4-8gigs and windows 64bit. I heard alot of games and programs are incompatible with 64bit. Is that true?

Not true. They may not take advantage of it being 64 bit, but they will run just fine. I recommend x64 vista for gamers. It works very well. I am a gamer and that is what I use.
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The Admiral

The Admiral

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On the topic of SP1: not everybody is getting it because not everybody is being offered it. Microsoft simply does not have the server thoroughput to have 88 million computers connect and download an update - all at the same time. So if you've been offered it, or have it, great. If not, keep Windows up to date and be patient! :)
Also, these are the pre-requisites for SP1: KB967287 (for the servicing stack), KB968371 (for reliable installation) and possibly KB935509 (for BitLocker on Ultimate editions).
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