is there any one who could help me with this please.
covered several types of network of varying maximum speeds
and also looked briefly at mobile phone networks. The table below
gives some typical expected maximum download speeds for several
different types of mobile phone network technologies. (Note: you are
not expected to know about these mobile phone technologies from
studying the course.)
Mobile technology Download speed
CSD 9.6 kbps
HSCSD 43.2 kbps
GPRS 80.0 kbps
EDGE 236.8 kbps
HSDPA 14.4 Mbps
HSPA+ 42.0 Mbps
with a few landline speeds for comparison:
Landline technology Download speed
56k Dial-up 56 kbps
512k ADSL 512 kbps
24M ADSL2+ 24 Mbps
In this question you are asked to do three things, detailed in parts (a),
(b) and ©.
(a) Construct a spreadsheet that completes the table below. Your
spreadsheet should show the maximum speeds drawn from the table
above, converted to kbps. You should insert a formula in your
spreadsheet to calculate the time in seconds taken to transfer a file of
25 MB using each of the network technologies.
In your spreadsheet file you should then construct a column chart
showing the time in seconds (plotted vertically) on a logarithmic
scale against the network type (plotted horizontally). Copy and paste
screenshots of the table and the chart into your ECA answer, making
sure that a cell is highlighted so that the formula used to calculate
the transfer time can be seen.
If you wish you may also save the spreadsheet file in Excel (.xls)
format and submit it with your ECA as supporting evidence. If you
choose to do this, remember that you will have to zip the files
together before submitting them.
Max. speed (kbps)
Time (s) to transfer
25 MB file
(b) My home broadband connection claims to run at a fixed 2Mbps.
However the observed throughput is often less than the maximum
data rate. Explain why this is the case.
Your answer to this part should be between 75 and 150 words. You
must state the number of words used.
© A friend has heard about WiMAX and is wondering what the point of
it is, since there are an increasing number of WiFi points in public
places. Locate at least two appropriate web resources and use these
to help you to[b] identify and explain two similarities and two
differences between WiMAX and WiFi. Your answer, which must be
in your own words, should be in complete sentences rather than
notes, but you may also use tables or lists if you feel they will clarify
your answer.
Your information may not come directly from Wikipedia, although
you may use it to help you select other sites. You must give
complete and correct reference