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Friendster Problem

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I recently posted a new account and profile on Friendster with everything public but for some reason when my friends search me using the preference/proximity/age/ location selections I don't come up. I tried searching myself by signing on with my old account and I still don't show up in the search results. I have tried a vague search with just age/location and a specific search with age/preference/location/promximity/sex etc and I still don;t show up. The only time i'm able to find myself using my old account is to search specifically my name and location, then i only pop up as a new user. When I search myself from the new account I do show up in the search results and also as a new user. Does friendster only post your profile public several days after you signed up? It's been 6 days sinced I created this new account and I don't know why I don't show up in the public views. It's so frustrating when I don't exist. I have all my settings correct and set to public. Any advice?
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Hi there, welcome to Geeks to Go!

I truly think you should send them an email with the details of the account you made, and ask them if it worked and where it is, and why access is limited.

After reading your topic title, I thought "hmmm, maybe this guy has no friends!" :) (just a joke, of course)

Also, try getting your friends to search your specific username and location, as you've said that works. See if they can pick you up then.

That's all I can think of.

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