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I Can't Upload Files/Can't Save Files/Some of My Folders Rever

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Hello, I have quite the problem, and if help could be provided for any piece of it, I would be very, very greatful. For starters I am unable to save files such as mp3s and pictures directly, I can however download torrents and bulk files (due to the fact that both pass through the "What Should Firefox Do With This File" box). I do not receive any error messages when I attempt to download or upload files. Instead, I am directed to the folder in which I would normally place my file. The trouble is that the folder is in a constant loading screen and non-responsive. I have attempted to wait until the folder loaded, yet even if I left it there for half an hour it didn't cease to load. However, it will randomly work on my email attachments, sometimes letting me attach a file, sometimes not. When I close this eternally loading folder, firefox shuts down.

In addition to my loading troubles, some of my files (mainly folders, occasionally the desktop folder) have reverted their images to the ordinary windows files. By this I am referring to the files with the image of a piece of paper and a window on top of it (I don't know the actual name of these files). They behave exactly as they would had their image remained the same, however I am curious as to what could have caused this oddity. I don't believe that I have any viruses, but I could easily be wrong.

Lastly, my Vista Aero theme file acts rather weird. By this I mean that it refuses to change the face of my windows, and also refuses to show an example of how my windows would look in the "Themes Window." I am not as worried about this problem as much as the others previously listed, as I can live without this theme. However, I wish to cover all the bases in case it may be possible that these problems are caused by the disappearance of my Aero theme. If it is of any value, all of my problems started around the same time that I downloaded and installed the files VistaGlazz and Project X (Vista Aero theme customization files). The folders hadn't changed until a few days after the installation of Project X, however I am unsure of when the loading problems originated. I am currently seeking help from the creators of VistaGlazz (CodeGazer) on their forums (due to the corruption of my msstyle file), but no problems seem to exist with other Project X users.

P.S. If it helps: I am running on an HP Pavilion dv6000 Notebook and Vista Home Premium.
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I believe that my problems may have grown worse. Now every time I load my computer account, the computer screen flashes black, disabling my start button and removing the images from 1/5 of my desktop files. I get to see my desktop in a normal state and use my start button about 30 seconds after logging in, then the black flash comes... Luckily, the files still work as they would in a normal situation, which is how I was able to get back onto Firefox. I've downloaded BitDefender Internet Security 2008 and no files were found to be corrupted, so I do not think that I have a virus. If anyone can help, I would be extremely grateful.

Edited by Confused27, 01 June 2008 - 10:57 AM.

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