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Video plays for 2 seconds?

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  • PipPipPip
  • 173 posts
I was quite confused as to where to put this so sorry if this is the wrong spot. I'm having video troubles! I can play a video in a regular media player (like windows media player, media player classic, etc) but when it comes to playing a video on a browser (youtube, google video, metacafe, etc etc) it only plays for 2 seconds and stops and will not play again. I've tried uninstalling Adobe Flash Player and re-installing it and that works for very little time.

It's quite frustrating when I cannot watch videos that I want to watch.

Any help please? I've been struggling with this for quite some time.
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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 65 posts
This happens to me when I have a Mic plugged in the same time as my headphones. It also happens when I plug in my headphones or speakers after I open an Internet Explorer Browser.

What I do to fix this is I just either restart my computer with my headphones & Mic plugged in, or just leave my Mic unplugged while I watch YouTube Videos.

This also happens with my Itunes sometimes. I don't think there's a way to fix this though.
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