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anyway i can change songs into ringtones?

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I can make songs my ringtone but i do not want the beginning and stuff just the part i want, Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks. Or anyplace where i can download them. Thank you
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hi dragonlord12

You can use a program called cool edit pro, you can place your audio track in there and chop to the part you want or even loop entire sections for how long you want them to last.
You then put your card reader into the pc, place your phone card in and copy to your card from the pc.

its quite easy but I've been using it for years here is a link to a trial version,

here are a few more that you can use but cost a few Hundred pounds each.

Acid Pro
Ableton Live

and of the industries best - Pro Tools

Hope this helps

Ian Aka Shannianni

Edited by shannianni, 24 July 2008 - 06:11 AM.

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I use Goldwave to edit my .wavs - then convert the bit I want into an mp3, then bluetooth it to the phone.
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There are lots of different programs that you can use to make songs into ringtones. Although, you probably want to make sure that your phone supports MP3's, so that you'll be able to use them. :)
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