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Extremely Slow Downloads & Installs

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I'm posting here hoping for some kind help... I'm pretty computer illiterate, but with instruction at work have worked through issues over the phone with IT support, so have worked through some complex issues, but unfortunately I don't retain the information without someone walking me through the processes.

I'm ready to pull my hair out with my home PC. I play online games, namely WoW, and most recently have been trying to install and download the patches for Vanguard. My PC meet the requirements for both games and as well has the same specs as my boyfriends computer sitting right next to mine. However, when he installs the games from disk it takes him 20 to 30 minutes, while it literally takes mine 6 hours.... then when it comes to the patches, it takes his 3 hours while it takes mine 9+ hours, then gets to the final percent, has an error, then requires to restart the process all over! Once I restart the patching, it restarts just as slow as it did as if I never started it in the first place.

I have run avast antivirus, ad-aware, and all my Windows updates are current... I make sure my firewall is off while trying to download the patches. I just don't know what has happened to my computer. This is a newer develpoment (in the past few months), so I know it's not just the way my computer is. Something has happened to cause this, I just have no idea what it might be. As well, since the disk installs and patching have gotten so bad I've also noted and extreme reduction in my fps while playing WoW, and I don't know if that would be a related issue.

I have spent hours upon hours searching the net for possible answers to this issue, and have found none... however I may not be asking the right questions in my searches.

I fell upon this forum, and saw some possible light at the end of my tunnel because it looked like there are some very kind, intelligent and helpful people here who may be willing to help me out or at least guide me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance for any guidance, help or advice you may be willing to give.

My computer is an Intel ® Pentium ® D CPU 3.00GHz 3.00GHz, 2.00GB RAM w/ 80GB hard drive ( I know that's kind of small... but it still has 25GB of free space--I've been told that shouldn't be the issue, but will gladly upgrade if it is) and Nividia e-GeForce 8500 GT 1GB video card.
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The Skeptic

The Skeptic

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Do you have this problem only with this particular game or do you see problems with other applications as well. How is your internet connection working? Please use this link to run a speed test of your internet connection.

Do you and your boyfriend have similar CD drives? Is it possible that his is faster then yours?

Are you both having similar Antivirus and firewall? I would suggest to disconnect from the internet by switching off your modem/router, disable Avast and try to install from the disk. If it makes a considerable difference uninstall Avast and download it again.

Go to Administrative tools in Control Panel and open Event Viewer. Click each of the items on the left and report if you see any recurring errors. We are only interested with those marked by a red circle.

Could you recall the error that you get when downloading the updates for the game?

Note: I know nothing about games. I deal with the problem as an ordinary hardware/software one. If any of the readers know how to solve this particular problem he/she is more then welcome to join forces.
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you should delete anything off the drive you don't want or need anymore...burn anything you want saved to dvd.s...then do these in order...
the first thing we are going to do is turn off indexing ....its a resource hog and if you aren't searching for things on your computer 10 times a day it will only slow down your system....

click on start...my computer...right click on C: drive....properties...on the general tab..unckeck ...allow indexing on this drive....if you do not have the box on your system...

then START...RUN...type in SERVICES.MSC...then OK...scroll down until you find INDEXING SERVICE...click on it and in the general tab set it to DISABLED...then exit....

then go to START..RUN...type in MSCONFIG...then click on OK or press ENTER..
click on START UP TAB......uncheck everything EXCEPT your AV and firewall...if its a laptop you have to be careful about what you uncheck or your touch pad and wireless and things like that will not function for you..
google each start up item to decide if you need it to load with windows...unchecking them does not remove them ..they are still available to use...

To clean your temp folder, recycle bin, index.dat etc..please download this free tool...


Don't install any Toolbars, or other programs, should it ask you...Just
uncheck the option of installing the Yahoo toolbar....if you get
the slim version it does not have the toolbar
thats the one I recommend...

It will put a shortcut on your Desktop.
Click on CCleaner to start it....
Before first use...
Select Options then Advanced.
UNCHECK "Only delete files in Windows Temp folder older than 48 hours"
The rest of the standard settings are fine...

Then click "Run Cleaner"


next get diskeeper lite here

you do not have to defrag in safe mode with diskeeper lite and its 10 times faster than the defragger that comes with windows

if you are not networked with other computers like at work...
Open Windows Explorer, go to Tools, Folder Options, click on the View tab and uncheck Automatically search for network folders and printers-and you'll feel the speed again.
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