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Recommend me a laptop

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Yeah, so my current one is on its way out after 5 years of loyal service, so I'm gonna be buying a new one soon. I'm not sure of a budget or anything yet but I'd like a big hard drive (100gb-200gb) and a fair amount of RAM (1g-2gb).

I'm from the UK so if anyone could recommend any that they've used or know to be quality, that'd be good. :)


Edited by GIB, 09 August 2008 - 08:50 AM.

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The Admiral

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What are you planning on using the laptop for? What is your budget like?
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Hi mate.

Honestly, as far as the budget goes, I'm not entirely sure yet! I'm just gonna probably pay what's necessary (to a reasonable price).

I currently use my laptop for the internet and a gaming really (Football Manager mostly), and I'd like a fast one for that reason...
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Well, if you want *my* opinion, I *love* my laptop. The brand is Spartan - a fairly small company based in MA (Even better for me, because then I only have to send it from ME to MA instead of to India for service.) The specs are on my signature. I paid about $940 for mine, tho I added an extra GB of RAM separate from the manufacturer, and I also bought a mouse, and that price also included a 3 year warranty. The one piece of advice that I give to *everyone* who's looking at buying a laptop, is "get a three year warranty." You want one, because the parts are so expensive/hard to get separate from the manufacturer on a laptop. Also, if (for example) the mobo fails, you'll have to send it in to get replaced, and if you only get a one year warranty, and it fails outside the warranty, you're out several hundred $$. But now I'm rambling. I'm probably rather biased in my review, because I own one and my company sells them. But if you're looking for a laptop, this is what I recommend. :)

EDIT: Oops! Just saw that you're looking for something in the UK... Well, I'm afraid I don't know of anything in particular over there... :)

Edited by jt1990, 09 August 2008 - 12:29 PM.

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Cheers anyway, your specifications are similar to what I'm after, to be honest.
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The one thing that I would have changed when I bought it (except I didn't realize at the time) was the video. I thought I was getting the Intel GMA X3100 adapter, instead of the GMA 965.
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The Admiral

The Admiral

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Well I'm going to go ahead and insert a shameless plug for Dell here, since I work for them and all. :)

A new Studio 15 laptop (our newest line which I am seriously considering purchasing for myself) configured with a 2.0 GHz processor, 256 MB ATI graphics card, 3 GB of RAM and a 250 GM HDD (of course with a three-year warranty with in-home nights and weekends repair (no sending it in required)) will run you less than 600 quid, which includes VAT and shipping. (I only say quid because I don't know how to make the pound sign on my US keyboard. :) ) Of course, there are some people here who will tell you to avoid Dell - do what you want. This is my recommendation for you. It's a little pricey, but worth it IMHO.
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If you are in teh Uk, have a look at:

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Actually the dell studio line is pretty good. If you have a best buy near you, check out the gateway fx laptops. Really well priced and modestly configured.
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