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What importance do you put on your Online Identify?

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    BSOD Warrior/Computer Surgeon

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I have actually been thinking about this for a while. I share my online identify with a few other people. Apparently my username is not as original I could not hold back from the vanity check. I sometimes run into web pages to where my username is used(this is where it gets annoying with having two identities). Also when you use forms and communicate online on multiple sites you gain a identity and a reputation.

So that brings up a question.

How important is your online Identity?
Do you need it to be unique Identity?
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    Tech Staff

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Online identity is important where a user has an important role to play. So, as Tech Staff, your identity is valuable. It could be horrible for somebody to get you confused with somebody else with the same username...
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    GeekU Admin

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While I've managed to get this username at the tech forums I've joined, I've been unable to get it for other sites, so I have an alter ego that I use. That has also been taken at some sites - at Ebay, I've had to combine this name and my other name in order to get something I'll recognize. As long as I'm known by this name at the tech sites, I'm fine with it.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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My online ID (hippiefreakcomputergeek) came about by some short haired conservitive people in my family calling me a hippie, or a freak because I have long hair.
The computer geek part came because these same people expect me to fix thier computers for free.
I take pride in the name because I have established my own identity for the person that I am.
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    OT Moderator

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I think its pretty important if you help out on tech sites, other then that I don’t really think it matters, but thats just my opinion. Let me give you a few examples….

Playing online cards or games or what ever I try to go by Tango but it doesn’t really matter because I am just messing around and having fun. I also have a chat name of not12lose (not one to lose) HA HA, but its all in fun.

Now on the tech forums it’s a little different, is about the reputation and the help I give in a more serious environment. Let’s say some guy was able to sign up at a tech site with BHowett as his user name and is doing nothing but giving bad advice, spamming, and even turned a few computers in to expensive paper weights. Now I go over to a site that I don’t frequent and ask to be put on the malware team. They might not want me there because last they heard someone with the user name BHowett was out there giving bad advice, spamming, and even borked some systems. Even worse I could start to help someone here, and they say …. Get me another helper I saw you over at “whatever” site giving bad advice. All that because they think I’m the other guy...

I noticed though most of us will register our names at the most popular sites even if we don’t frequent them just to have the same name on each site or be a visiting consultant. :)
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My identity changes depending on the place on the internet. Example:

Internet forums: Titan8990 - Titans football team followed by numbers for two popular players when I created the name (around 6 years ago)

Action/FPS games: UnCuTrAw - Track one - AZ - Doe or Die

RPG games: Vosa - Dark Jedi mentioned in episode 2 (but never made an appearance)

I lack creativity when it comes to creating names so I choose names based on things that I like.

One thing that I keep the same so I can be identified across the internet is my avatar. I have found that it is not uncommon to run into someone you played one game with in another game (makes sense). They see the spray or the avatar and immediately know who I am.

How important is your online Identity?

It is important to me because a lot more people know me across the internet (primarily in gaming communities) then in RL. Many people in these gaming communities refer to me by my first RL name though.

Do you need it to be unique Identity?

I would prefer that but it is not essential because my spray/avatar will always be unique (album cover for Method Man - 4:21 The day after).
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    Angel Annihilator of Malware

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I stick with LT most of the times, just changed the remaining words a little.

On Runescape, I'm formerly called Ltfairy. Been on Runescape from 2005-2007, and I guess it really identified who I am. People who know me in Runescape will say "Hey, there's the player mod Ltfairy!". :)

On here, I decide to use Ltangelic because I didn't want to use the same username everywhere. But LT will still remain because it means a lot to me. :)
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For awhile, I was always having usernames having to do with the moon, thunderstorms, or rain. I guess that's what I was into at the time. Oh, and when the username was taken, I always put 538 or 531 on the end. Always. I guess I grew out of that. Yes, I think online identities are important. I'd hate to be called "Alex" instead of "Tigereye" I really like my name "Tigereye". Alex is just plain boring to be. We have 3 Alexs in my class. My username changes wherever I am on the internet. On runescape, I was Raineyes538 (I had a thing for Warriors). On ff.net, I was plain Raineyes. On youtube, um...I can't remember all of them. I had a tendency to "start over" whenever I messed up. So people may know me by 20 usernames. 0.o
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