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Camcorder transfer problems

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ray singh

ray singh

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Hi, I'm a total newbie to the world of digital video and am having problems getting my mini dv camcorder footage onto my pc. I had originally planned to use usb (against all wisdom!) as i didn't have firewire. I had to change plans when i couldn't get the usb to work, so have installed a firewire card and finally got the pc to recognise the camera.

I tried to use the windows software, but this was unable to function without a sound card (yeah my pc is pretty carp!).

Power producer recognises the camcorder and show's the video footage on screen, but when i try to transfer it I get the following message:

Power producer failed to complete the tasks because:

The parameter is incorrect (80070057)

Can anyone shed any light on this and/or give me any other help please?
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