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Flashing Black Screen - Locked Out

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  • PipPip
  • 28 posts
Good Evening! My desktop pc just went all weird on me. It has worked perfectly for months now . Here's what happened: I went to open a program (serif page plus), something i use frequently and it wouldn't open after several attempts...it just would flash on real quick and go away. I thought maybe i would restart the pc since that usually fixes most gliches. When it restarted, it came to the login screen .. i tried to login and it kept saying incorrect. I am the only person using this pc so i know the pass wasnt changed. So, i restarted again and the login worked and took me to my documents screen. I clicked the x to return to the desktop and the pc just went bezerk! It went completly black ... then began flashing from login page to black screen. I couldnt do anything! I shut it down by pressing the button on the tower and haven't touched it again.. I am too scared ... Any suggestions???

Thanks in Advance :)

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    motto - Just get-er-done

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It sounds like a driver corruption. The first thing i would try is to keep hitting the f8 key while the computer is booting up. Then use the arrow keys to move to the " Last Known Good Configuration" and click the enter key. It will take a while to load but should be back to normal.

If the last known good configuration does not work then you will again hit the F8 button and then select the Safe Mode option from the onscreen menu. Once in safe mode you can then access system restore just as you would normally from the Windows desktop (Start>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore).

But what happens if you can't get into Safe Mode? You will need to do a system recovery. Scroll down past the advertisements on the below website to get to the system recovery tutorial.


and heres a similar one

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