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Gas for 35 CENTS

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  • PipPipPip
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In some stations around my way I've seen it for $2.29.. a huge difference from August when it was almost $4.00!
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    Tech Staff

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I filled up on $1.19 per litre the other day :)
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    OT Moderator

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nice but it takes 3+ liter to make a gallon, so do you have to pay $3.60 for a gallon?

it's now $1.79 per gallon where I am :)
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  • PipPip
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This is what I paid for gas back in August. I pre-paid with $20.00 and started fueling up. The price was suppose to be $3.659 (the nine being 9/10ths of a cent) but he didn't key in the nine at the end of the price and it defaulted to .365!! I got a full tank in my truck for $9.19!! The total amount should have been $92.17 and when I walked in to tell him, he already had $10.81 change waiting on me!! I told him about the problem and said I only had $20 for gas. He said "no problem, it's my fault." Needless to say, I told him to keep the change. :)
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    Tech Staff

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I would have taken the change, and made sure I got the invoice. :)

Sounds like you got lucky! :)
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