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BSoD after bad software install

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I was install some software downloaded from the internet when my Antivirus popped up with a possible threat. I selected "quarantine" and tried to cancel the install, but then XP crashed to the Blue Screen.

Since then, I have:
tried to boot into Safe Mode, but get the BSoD
tried to get to the Last Known Good Configuration - I got as far as my wallpaper loading here until it crashed to the BSoD
done a repair install of Windows, but still the BSoD.

I would do a complete reinstall of Windows, but I first need to get some data from the hard drive: pictures, music, etc.

What are my options? What else can I try?
Assuming I can't get Windows back up again can I copy info from the hard drive using the Recovery Console commands?

Also, if I do a full reinstall of Windows, will all of the data under My Documents be available if I don't choose to repartition?


Edited by essessemm, 24 November 2008 - 01:47 PM.

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The Admiral

The Admiral

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essessemm, welcome to Geeks to Go!

I'd like to see if we can fix the BSoD before we look at wiping the drive.

Let the BSoD come up, and write down some information from it. We need to know everything beneath *** TECHNICAL INFORMATION. It should say something like STOP 0x0000007B (0x34130C31, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x3183DCA1) UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME. The more information we have, the more we can help you.
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