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who or where can I report these e-mails I am getting that is trying to get my bank account?
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Are they posing as your bank? If they are, your bank probably has an email address for reporting them. Check their website - they should have a section on fraud or phishing. You can forward the messages to them.
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No not my bank. I just received one that claimed it was the FBI and they wanted my bank account.

Edited by jerry1967, 06 December 2008 - 08:34 AM.

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Somewhere on the Federal Trade Commission website, I think there is information on reporting spam, but I'm on my Blackberry right now and can't easily look. For the FBI one, there might be a place on their site for reporting it.
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here you go http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx
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I am surprised that no one mentioned Castle Cops PIRT/Fried Phish (here). You can report phishes easily this way and the people on Castle Cops have protocols to help track these people. They do it several ways:
  • They work to get the phishing sites shut down
  • They keep track of evidence (they have been advised on how to do this properly) such as IPs from the email etc.
  • They work with law enforcement to catch these people.
All you do is copy and paste the source of the email (not the text you see but the actual source code of the email, this can be found usually by buttons that say "View Source" or "View Full Email" or "View Code" etc.). If you can't figure out how to paste the source (which is much more helpful because it contains the email header which has IP addresses in it) then you can copy and paste the text.

Also you paste the URL so they can help shut that URL down.

Edited by PedroDaGR8, 06 December 2008 - 06:55 PM.

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thank you verry much
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Castle Cops is currently offline. looks like they are down for good because they are returning donations.

Another place to report spam is at [email protected]
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