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can't get pc and 360 to work! bah!

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Ok, so as some other topics i've read, i too am having a problem with the pb and the xbox 360. I cannot get the installation on the pc to finalize to use the media center extender on xbox.

I am attempting to connect wirelessly. I get through the setup stages and when it gets to the part of creating account, it says an error has occured and nothing more on what error. i've tried multiple steps listed in other topics and still the same result

I am running windows xp
both my computer and my 360 are wireless and connected to internet and working.
I have the media center installed on the 360.
I have turned off the firewall
I have wmp 11

As said above, I put in the correct xbox key #, i run through the installation on the pc and when it gets to the page of 'creating user account' it briefly flashes then i get the error and it asked to reattempt the process, which i've done a gazillion times!

I am going to stand by and check this very periodically so i can assist in any answers that are needed.

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You do not need to run windows media center to stream music and videos wirelessly. You need to setup your windows media player to allow media sharing. You should follow the steps provided by Microsoft Here. Make sure your firewalls are turned off. Thiss means your windows Firewall and any virus protection Firewalls you may have installed. Despite what I know of the xbox there is no way to bypass some of the Anti-Virus Firewalls to allow only the xbox access anytime you wish to stream data you may need to disable any firewalls. This could be dangerous to your PC. And no, Microsoft does not offer any support with this issue they are unable to help with aftermarket Firewalls.
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