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I may have posted in the wrong forum. Is there a way to move it here? It is titled 'What am I looking for'.

Thank you to anyone that can help on either moving it, or telling me what I need.
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Hi woodworks,

You posted in the Digital Video and Audio section, I found it for you. :)


I don't have permissions to move it, a mod may be able to, but I'll just copy and paste it here for you and close the other thread.

Here's what you originally wrote:

I am hoping that someone can tell me what it is that I need.

I am wanting to cut myself out of one picture and insert it into another. I don't know what that is called and I also don't know what it is that I need to do it with.

Hopefully someone can suggest a software that is free that can do what I want.

Thank you for any and all help.

And an answer for you, Adobe Photoshop is a very popular tool that you can use to do this, although this is not free.

Paint.NET is free and can also help you do the job. This would probably be my recommended choice.

Lastly, The GIMP is also a free software that can get the job done for you.

All of these programs will probably have quite the learning curve if you've never used them before, so make sure to use the Help menu in each to navigate around. Also you could try searching Google for a tutorial on one of the programs, that might help you out also.


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