Computer Will not load windows vista at all!
Posted 13 January 2009 - 09:58 AM

Posted 13 January 2009 - 10:52 AM

Posted 14 January 2009 - 09:04 AM

Edited by daniellerenee, 14 January 2009 - 06:54 PM.
Posted 15 January 2009 - 10:08 AM

So you've tried installing windows on a new hard drive ?
If you have and this still hasnt worked it could be something deeper.
Some other hardware could be corrupt. Unless the CD you used to install windows is corrupt.
I'm not sure, anybody else shed light on this ?
Posted 15 January 2009 - 12:51 PM

Posted 15 January 2009 - 01:53 PM

We need someone with more hardware/technical knowledge to look at this. In my opinion it a more in depth issue regarding another part of the hardware.
Sorry I couldnt be of more help.
Posted 15 January 2009 - 10:20 PM

It looks like video card problem. Is it on-board video, or dedicated card?to find the screen was black with pink lines running vertically and when windows vista tries to load, the lines turn from pink to green and from vertical to horizontal
Posted 16 January 2009 - 12:24 AM

Yep. After installing the new hard drive that I spent $129 on, I tried to load the new disks that HP sent me. There are 2 disks and they are for System Recovery. It does the same exact thing when the other hard drive was in there. So, I don't know what else to do.
Yup i tink thats it, most HP discs have hardware detection in them, especially the ones made within the last few years (I tech for HP). As for it's the exact same thing your other hard drive was doing idk? The sure fire way is to order the replacement hdd from HP, the downside to that is that it *may cost more.
*significantly, like x2

The MAIN thing to look for is do the lines show up AFTER the bios screen (the HP logo when you first turn it on) or BEFORE.
After is a software problem and most likely repairable by a reinstall of windows
Before is a most likely a hardware issue and will need part replacement
Look on the bottom of the laptop at the "S/N"
It will look some thing like this xxx8xxxxxxx-ABA
The number in that spot tells what year the laptop was manufactured. If still under a year you are eligible for repair or replacement from HP. ( just don't tell them you replaced the Hdd yourself(big no no))
Edited by casemonster, 16 January 2009 - 12:31 AM.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 03:43 AM

Use a disc which isnt for HP. you'll just have to find the drivers for yourself.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:48 AM

It looks like video card problem. Is it on-board video, or dedicated card?to find the screen was black with pink lines running vertically and when windows vista tries to load, the lines turn from pink to green and from vertical to horizontal
I am not sure...but how can i tell? I would assume it is on-board.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:50 AM

The MAIN thing to look for is do the lines show up AFTER the bios screen (the HP logo when you first turn it on) or BEFORE.
The lines are immediately there. The BSOD is pink/red instead of blue...very strange!
Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:53 AM

The MAIN thing to look for is do the lines show up AFTER the bios screen (the HP logo when you first turn it on) or BEFORE.
After is a software problem and most likely repairable by a reinstall of windows
Before is a most likely a hardware issue and will need part replacement
Look on the bottom of the laptop at the "S/N"
It will look some thing like this xxx8xxxxxxx-ABA
The number in that spot tells what year the laptop was manufactured. If still under a year you are eligible for repair or replacement from HP. ( just don't tell them you replaced the Hdd yourself(big no no))
it's three months out of warranty of course...
Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:56 AM

Posted 16 January 2009 - 11:17 AM

Do it if you can but if not, get a quote on how much it will cost to fix, then weigh up the pros and cons into wether its better to have the repair or get a new machine.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 11:27 AM

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