Has anyone any ideas what could be wrong please? The machine is running Vista.
Edited by Fox07, 23 January 2009 - 03:54 PM.
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Edited by Fox07, 23 January 2009 - 03:54 PM.
Thanks I will try that now.try cdgone here...
Click Start ... Run and type in regedit...click Ok
In the left pane, expand (click the +) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE... SYSTEM...CurrentControlSet... then Control... Class and click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} In the right pane, are UpperFilters and/or LowerFilters listed...
if so...
Let's remove the filters. this should bring your drives back
Right click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} and choose Export... Save this to your desktop...name it... filters.old...
Right click on LowerFilters and choose ..Delete...accept the change.
Right click on UpperFilters and choose ..Delete.....accept the change.
Close Registry Editor and reboot. When Windows starts, you should have your drives back
if everthing is now working properly...Right click on the file you saved to the desktop ...filters.old...click on delete...
Oh right - do you have any for Vista please?those instructions are for xp...not vista
Right I've just done that and it's a lot different on the Vista than XP - this is the first time I've actually seen a machine with Vista on and it seems to be a totally different layout.If your dvd drive is not appearing in Computer, like yours, you should go to the Device Manager and see if there is a yellow exclamation mark next to its entry. It seems as if your drive is not being recognised. That may be because there is no driver installed or it could be a hardware problem. If your dvd drive is displayed normally in the Device Manager I would try right clicking on it and selecting "uninstall", then reboot the pc. This will let your system re-detect the drive.
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