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anyone else with cancer ?

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I just went through chemotherapie after having being diagnosed with breast cancer and the tumor luckily removed in an early stage. Lost my hair but BALD IS BEAUTIFUL ! Now I have radiations every day. I was never sick, went though it without real problems and a very positive attitude (which helped to go through this so smoothly). I did not experience all those horror stories I had read just after being diagnosed.

Anyone else within this GeeksToGo community dealing with cancer ? and wanting to say hello or needing be cheered up ? Hope to hear from you.

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Well, I myself have never experianced cancer, but my mother has.

She had seven lempth nodes removed, and delt with radiation treatments for several months. They say that it is gone, but she contnues to lose weight.
But she keeps a positive attitude on the situation. She keeps saying that there is NO way somthing like this will bring her down. I agree. She is a very powerful woman. There is no way she will be stopped by this.

Btw, her cancer was third stage, and would have become forth stage in less than 2 months.

Just push through this, and keep moving forward with your life. Nobody and nothing can stop you. YOU hold the power over your life. Understand that, and you will be fine.

All the best! :)
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    Semper Paratus: Always Ready

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I do not have cancer either, but I have a few friends that have experienced cancer in varying stages, and I have had friends who beat it, and have family members and friends who are fighting it. The best way to be helpful in a situation like this is to be, as has been stated, positive thinking and actions as well as a lot of love, patience and support is what is needed. The road to recovery is hard, but with the right support and good friend and family around you, it CAN be done.

I ask you to keep me and my family and my friends that are dealing with cancer in your thoughts, and with help and support, I am sure that the battle can be won :)

Good Luck!!!


Edited by **Brian**, 04 March 2009 - 06:54 AM.

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I personally don't have cancer, but my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few weeks ago. He has always been diligent about getting routine prostate exams done (thank god!!) so it appears that this was caught pretty early. He's pretty upbeat now, so I guess I have to be as well. I married into a family of nurses and health care professionals, and they all seem to think that due to the early detection he will be alright. He is going in for surgery next month, so until then I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Brian and Fangio, keep your heads up and fight the good fight.
Everybody else, make sure that you get your examinations, and see a doctor regularly. It could go a long way!
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