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IP address failed

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Hi guys

Ive been searching the internet everywhere for a link or a post in order to sort out my problem.
I have a Belkin (model: fsd7234-4v1) wireless router (ive checked the xbox site it doesnt say it is incompatible but it doesnt say it is compatible either) and i am also using the xbox 360 wireless adapter, however I have keep getting an error "Ip Address - failed"

I am using windows vista and i have gone into the network settings and enabled the sharing facillity in the local area connection properties.
I am a cable user (not a broadband user) and im in the UK, my service provider is Virgin Media (if that helps).

Ive gone into the router settings to turn off the in built firewall to no avail and im currently pulling my hair out trying to get it working!

If i could i would try moving the xbox and tv to the router and connecting it via an ethernet cable but i dont have a spare one LOL.
I will get a ethernet cable to see if I can connect with the ethernet cable but in the mean time was wondering if you can help me....

Kind regards
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Hello Richstar*, And Welcome to GeeksToGo. I'm Oblivionon360 and I will offer advice to the best of my knowledge.

Ok, First you will need to create a static IP. For this you will need to know the router Default Gateway IP. Go to the start menu and type command in the box. Then right-click on Command Prompt and click Run as administrator. If a User Account Control window pops up, click Continue. Then at the C;/ command prompt Type ipconfig /all Look for the information next to Default Gateway. Write this down or type it in a Notepad document. Also take note of the DNS Servers.

Next from this information you will need to determine what IP you would like to set your Xbox up with. It will need to be similar to your Default Gateway while not exact. So, If your Default Gateway is I would suggest Something like or It really does not matter as long as you only change the last set of digits and do not exceed I do suggest not using 1-10 for those are the IP's that any computer set up to automatically find an IP will use. Once you have decided this you should follow step by step Instructions for configuring your Xbox for a Static IP, found http://www.portforwa...cip-xbox360.htm

Next you will need to open ports on your router for the specific Static IP you have chosen. For this you will need to enter HTTP:// into your web browser address bar followed by the Default Gateway you found earlier. So, if your Default Gateway IP was then your entry into the address bar should read HTTP:// For the rest of the instructions you should follow a step by step guide found http://www.portforwa...ox_Live_360.htm Unfortunately enough I could not find an accurate Guide for this particular router. The guide given in this paragraph is one that is close to what yous would be and I believe with patience you can use the guide to help you through your own router ports. If you find that the user name and password for your router provided in the guide are not accurate then you may need to do a search for a default password for a Belkin F5d7234.

If you have any other questions or comment please feel free to post them here i am usually easy enough to get in contact with.

Edited by Oblivionon360, 24 February 2009 - 12:20 AM.

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