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Computer Speech Recognition

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Has anybody activated their Speech Recognition through their PC? I have Vista Home Premium and have activated mine. It's pretty cool. My computer seems to be getting smarter too with learning my voice. I'm still at the beginning stages but I'm making progress but I have noticed the more I use the Voice Recognition the better the Computer gets at it. Just wondered if anybody has theirs set up and what do you think about it. Any insight?
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Didn't even know that it existed! Will try to see how I can activate it, I've got Vista Enterprise. How long have you been using it for?
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I just recently started using it So I'm still in the process of training the computer to recognize my words and voice. I have Vista Home Premium. It really is neat. It's supposed to get a lot better the more you use it. I have to learn the commands too. You could probably find it in the Help section by searching for "Speech Recognition" I know it's somewheres in the Control Panel.

I'm excited about having it fully trained. Can't wait to be able to give my fingers a break and hopefully prevent carpaltunnel in the future. :)
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Vista has surely made a great stepping stone towards 'coolness' by integrating that feature :) - apart from all the bugs and slow performance and whatnot :) - Hmm let me see if I can find it in my Enterprise package.

Lmao @ carpaltunnel - yeah, not only that but these things can be quite useful to show presentations and such..

Our words are Windows' commands ~ SweET sweet technology.
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I've been trying to use voice recognition since XP because of carpal tunnel!

But, unfortunately, I've never found it to be that good. In Vista there were certainly vast improvements made, but it's still not good enough to match my typing speed. I tried Dragon Naturally Speaking which was even better, but still not good enough.

The technology's improving, but until it gets even better, I'm going to stick to typing- it's so much faster.
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