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How is HijackThis "triage" done?

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I've been watching for activity on my HJT post, and even though I have an identical problem to several posts made after mine (google redirect), thier posts were selected. How do the HJT experts decide who to help? Is there some reluctance in trying to help people who are obviously not tech types? I could totally understand that; if I were working for free, I don't know if I would want to deal with the extra aggravation. I just wanted to know, because if that is the case, does anyone have any suggestions for a HJT forum that is more likely to help the computer illiterate amoung us? Thanks
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    OT Moderator

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It looks like you replied to your own topic, so it appears that you were getting help as we look for topics with no reply.

Anyway RatHat is helping you now... your in good hands :)


Edited by BHowett, 09 March 2009 - 08:12 AM.

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