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Y! messenger download issues:

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  • PipPip
  • 19 posts
No matter what I try, I cannot get Yahoo! Messenger 9 or 8 (any version) to install onto my PC with Microsoft Windows XP SP3. Each and every time I try I get the same message "Yahoo Messenger install unsuccessful"

I have tried various methods of installation, including turning my anti-virus and firewall off, instead of using the supplied installation mode. I have run CCleaner in advance, cleaned my registry, and even defragmented my hard drive. I have tried deleting the Yahoo! Messenger folder from my programs directory, as well as removing any other Yahoo! related items on my computer. I have gone to the Adobe website and installed the latest version of the Flash player. I have even tried installing it while in Safe Mode.

I have also tried voodoo tactics such as trying to hold my mouth in the proper position, making a ward-evil sign, and even jumped up and down and spun around 3 times while singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

However i noticed one thing....when i download from a sub-installer that yahoo provides at its messenger website, the complete download of messenger does take place, however, during installation, it stops at 57%, and displays the message: INSTALL UNSUCCESSFUL.

But when i tried installing from a 15 MB direct installer, the installation stopped at 94% and i got the following error:

Posted Image

I was installing it from an administrator account already. I also created a new administrator account and ran the installer from that account, but i got the same error again as listed above in the pic.

Any idea as to why is the installer saying that i don't have administrative privileges although i am already using an administrator account? I don't encounter such error while downloading any other application/software.

Plz help me!!
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