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MAC Filtering in 3Com super stack 4226T class switches

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  • PipPip
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Hi guyz,

I wanted to know that whether the 3Com super stack 4226T class switches supports the feature of MAC filtering? I know that in CISCO switches this option is available but does the 3Com super stack 4226T switch also support this feature.

I need to implement a security control for restricting any unauthorized system specially the laptops to connect our LAN. For this I think MAC filtering can provide a good level of security control so in case if any user brings his/her own laptop and connects to the LAN the switch denies the access to the network and generate an event that will be forwarded to the Network Administrator.

Thank you
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    Tech Staff

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I think your best bet would be to ring 3Com themselves, I'm sure one of the sales assistants would be more than happy to explore features of their products with you.
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