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How Can I Reinstall uxtheme.dll

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My computer keeps giving me the error saying that the file uxtheme.dll is not found try to reinstall it to fix the problem. I get no windows at all the only thing i get is a black screen and it does not allow Explorer to boot at all ive tried using safe mode but i keep getting the same problem. i dont even know how can i resolve this matter.. can anyone help me?
im currently using windows vista.
how can i install the application since i cant even get in to my windows..

hope to hear from u all soon!~
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From your story I understand that you can boot to Windows, but then you can't see anything, because explorer won't load?

Can you try pressing the Windows button and then use the C to open the control panel?
This only works if you are using Intellitype or something similar.

Else try the Windows button + E to open a explorer window
If it does there should be an entry for the control panel at the left. Use that.

You can also try the Windows button alone and check if the control panel is shown in your start menu.

Either way, when you are in the control panel, click Display and on the Themes tab choose the Windows Classic theme.

Let me know if that works and tell me if you installed some software to change your Windows appearance.
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