With April 1st come and gone, many people are wondering “How do I know if I have the Conficker worm?” How do you know if you have the Conficker virus? (Also known asDownadup.)
Here’s how to tell if you have the Conficker virus. With the Conficker Eyechart. Now the answer to how to know if you have the Conficker worm is just a link-click away!
A consortium of security companies, including F-Secure, Trend Micro and Secure Works, and many more, have banded together to create a simple eye-chart style test which will determine whether your computer is infected with the Conficker worm!
Here’s how it works: a ‘chart’ of six images is displayed on the page. The clever folks at these companies have rigged the chart so that some of the images will not display if you have one version of the Conficker worm, other images will not display with another version of Conficker, and if your computer is not infected, you’ll see all six images. Nifty, huh?
Test your computer to tell if you have Conficker.
Edited by Broni, 10 April 2009 - 12:58 PM.