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How to clean quarantined disk after WinPC Defender

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  • PipPip
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rshaffer61 helped me out with a WinXP re-install problem and referred me over to malware for more help. For the entire thread, see this link:


The attack:
- had been using McAffee and SuperAntiSpyware for protection.
- McAffee reported infection with "WinPC Defender"
- after this, McAffee disabled, could not be re-enabled
- on restart, SuperAntiSpyware and some Viewpoint something? always crash
(I guess the Viewpoint thing is also malware?)
- network did not work, not able to uninistall/reinstall TCP/IP protocol

The aftermath:
- probably jumped to this before exhausting other possibilities, but decided to reinstall WinXP
- ran into BAD_POOL_CALLER problem described on other thread
- HD, mem OK, so was faced with reformatting, but I still want to recover some files
- Purchased new 500Gb disk, set the existing 80Gb aside for now.
- Have re-installed WinXP, working my way through drivers and SPs. Going OK, but tedious..

Soo... next thing I will want to do is tackle the problem of recovering files from the 80Gb drive without propagating any infections. Is there anything special I should do in this situation? or just proceed with the regular steps outlined in the Malware and Spyware Cleaning Guide?

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