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Wifi-Link working great

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I purchased an antenna from Wifi-Link a while back but there wasn't any wifi in my area, but now that I moved back to my house it is working great. At my house we have many computers on our hard line internet, and when one person is doing something, everyone else can not. To solve this, I used my panel antenna from Wifi-Link and was able to pick up numerous WAN's. I can now use the free wifi at our public library, two blocks away! Not only that but I can get the wifi from businesses that offer it free all the way from my residential area! Wifi-Link allows me to surf the web faster than with out wired home network. I reccommend Wifi-Link products to anyone who needs to get wireless internet anywhere.

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dan the pizza man

dan the pizza man

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Does the signal remain steady? how much better is it from using just the wireless card?
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Yeah, previously my connections would come in and out using my built in wireless card but with my antenna I have never lost a signal and the drivers for it show you the signal strength in percent. It has at least a 20% better signal than my wireless card.
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